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Words of the Very Holy Trinity

This page gives a short introduction to the revelation of Very Holy Trinity given to Jean-Marc since 1987.
He died in the Easter octave 2016 after suffering from cancer. Let us pray for his family.

 Preface informations

Since Jean-Marc heard the internal words "Write!" in his heart, he began to write down the received messages, not for himself, but in order to reach a maximal number of souls. Within the many years, in which he has been documenting these messages and has given lectures about them, God relevates himself to Jean-Marc with increasing depth and by all the three divine persons: God-Father, God-Son and God-Holy Spirit. In these times in which the faith in God is anything else but standard, it´s the mission of Jean-Marc to give a testimony of his linkage with the heart of the Very Holy Trinity and to help everybody to be housed again by the lightful and healing presence of God.

How is it possible that God relevates himself in such a manner?
Some people may ask - like pastor Bertania, doctor of theology and former spiritual father of Jean-Marc - how it happens that blessed people can write down messages of great spiritual depth, although they neither don´t see God with their own eyes nor don´t hear him with their own ears. By so called internal harangues those blessed souls hear very articulate words in their heart as if they heard them by their ears. Pastor Bertaina finds the answer in the Holy Bible: "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3,8). The messages given to Jean-Marc do not want to add or remove anything from the official divine revelations within the Holy Bible and the teaching of the catholic church but they shall help to understand the word of God more deeply in order to apply it in daily life.

Short introduction


    Photo of Jean-Marc 2004


bulletArticle in "Stella Maris" No. 431 (2006, french): Message to Jean-Marc: "Go and drink outof the spring of my message": http://www.parvis.ch/stella_maris/sm_431/sm_431_jean_marc.html
bulletMessage of the Very Holy Trinity (french): http://detarle.club.fr/catho/jeanmarc.htm


bulletParvis Publishers (F, D): http://www.parvis.ch/


bulletMessage of the Very Holy Trinity (french official homepage): http://www.messagesduciel.net/
bulletMessage of the Very Holy Trinity (french): http://detarle.club.fr/catho/jeanmarc.htm


Last update of this page: 10.08.2019